Sunday, December 22, 2013

Pastor's Corner, December 22, 2013

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
With the coming of Christmas Day – yes, it is just a few days away – we renew our faith in Christ who has become man for the sake of our salvation.
Our faith in Jesus Christ is an act of trustworthiness in Him. In Lumen Fidei Pope Francis points out that we can trust in God because of “his own faithful presence throughout history” (23). The moment of His coming as man is the culmination of His promise to be Emmanuel (“God-with-us”).
God is true to His promise. That is why faith without truth does not save. What we believe needs to be true. If not, Christmas just remains a beautiful story and simply a projection of our desire for happiness. However, precisely because faith is intrinsically linked to truth, "faith is instead able to offer a new light… for it sees further into the distance and takes into account the hand of God, who remains faithful to his covenant and his promises” (24).
Yes, it is true – GOD HAS BECOME MAN! Our faith is not simply a projection of our own desire for salvation and happiness. Our faith is a trust in God who is faithful to His promise and has come to dwell among us to save us from sin and offer us heaven.
Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker

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