Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pope mobile

After Mass, Pope Francis greeted each member of the diplomatic corps. There were so many countries with representative at the canonization that it took more than half an hour. Then he got into his Pope mobile and greeted the enormous crowd. Here are a few shots from where I was: 


  1. WOW! photos are AWESOME . . . . We are enormously grateful. The Twin Saints must have counted it a tremendous bonus that the Christian Conference was blessed by a Jewish Mayor. Safe passage home from all of us.

  2. Thank you for making time in your enormously packed schedule to make everything a part of our lives. Your Liturgy if the Word on the Shore of Galikee 'in real time' is a real page turner .

  3. Welcome back. Your trip looks like it was wonderful. I hope you will plan a trip to the Holy Land now that you have been there. It looks so interesting. I would love to see where Jesus walked.


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