Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pastor's Corner, February 1, 2015

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
There is a venerable tradition of celebrating the Seven Sundays of St. Joseph which begin seven Sundays before the feast of St. Joseph on March 19th. Over the next 7 Sundays I will reflect on the seven sorrow and the seven joys of St. Joseph as a way to foster greater devotion to this inspiring saint who was the earthly father of Jesus, husband to Mary and is the patron of the universal Church.
The first sorrow is the doubt of St. Joseph. In Matthew 1: 19 we are told that Joseph is unaware of how his wife Mary (being “betrothed” to someone meant legal marriage) is found with child. He wanted to “send her away quietly.” He doesn't know what God is doing and has no indication that he should be a part of it.
Then, the angel comes and dispels Joseph’s doubt (Matthew 1: 20-21). This is the first joy of St. Joseph. He hears that the child has been conceived by the Holy Spirit and that he should “not fear to take Mary your wife” into his home, dispelling the sorrow he earlier experienced. 
Prayer: St. Joseph, Chaste Spouse of the Holy Mother of God, by the SORROW with which thy heart was pierced at the thought of a cruel separation from Mary, and by the deep JOY that thou didst feel when the angel revealed to thee the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation, obtain for us from Jesus and Mary, the grace of surmounting all anxiety. Win for us from the Adorable Heart of Jesus the unspeakable peace of which He is the Eternal Source.
In Christ,

Msgr. Baker

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