Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The tomb is empty. The Lord is risen. Alleluia!

How do I live my faith in the resurrection? Do others notice that my
lifestyle, decisions, and views on contemporary issues are different than most
of those around me in such a secular culture but nevertheless are authentic
examples of Christ’s risen life working in me?
One way we can live Easter in our daily lives is to attract others to
Christ. Next weekend we will be having a “Welcome Back Sunday” in which I am
inviting all of the parishioners of the Cathedral Parish to find someone in
their life who may have been away from Church and their Catholic faith but who
they can invite back to their spiritual home. When they see the love and determination
in your words and actions, hopefully they will be convinced that you and I
truly believe that the tomb of Christ is empty.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker