Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As many now know, several changes in clergy personnel will take place at the Cathedral.
We are pleased to welcome to the Cathedral Parish two
new deacons. They were both ordained this past May 18th and they
will begin their ministry among us this coming week. Deacon Kevin Lonergan, a transitional deacon, is 24 years
old and is originally from Pottsville, PA. Deacon Rob Synder, a permanent deacon, is 62 years old, who
with his wife of 42 years Karen, live in Breinigsville, PA. He will serve along side Deacon Bill Hassler.

Fr. Brian Miller has been transferred to St. Patrick's Church in Pottsville. He will be replaced by Fr. Bernard Ezaki. The changes of the priests take effect on June 11.
Changes are difficult for all of us. However, as
priests we know we have to be ready to serve and obey the will of the Bishop as
an expression of God’s will for us. I humbly ask you to pray for Fr. Tolentino and
Fr. Miller as they begin their new assignments. We will say farewell to Fr. Miller after all Masses on June 8 and 9. Finally, please pray for more vocations to
the priesthood and encourage enthusiastically young men to think about becoming
a priest.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker