Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pastor's Corner, July 28, 2013

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
On July 19th a new cross was installed on top of the Church steeple. The old one came down during hurricane Sandy and we contracted to have a new one manufactured which would match the design of the cross which we find inside the
Cathedral in several places including on the front of the altar, the ambo, the cantor’s lectern, the cathedra, and on the upper part of the walls in the sanctuary.
The cross is the sign of faith. The cross is a reminder of the redeeming love of our Savior and it is a constant presence along the road of the Christian life. The cross marks the Christian at the moment of baptism and is used to bless the body of the person during the funeral rites. We make the sign of the cross at the beginning and end of our prayer and we take holy water from the font and bless ourselves with it in the form of the cross when we enter the Church. We should have a cross in every Catholic home and in many rooms of our homes.
It is fitting that our Cathedral Church be “topped” by the cross in order to be a sign of the presence of God in the midst of the world and that we all have the inherent right and privilege to speak of God, practice our faith and follow our Christ-formed conscience in every aspect of society.
In Christ,

Msgr. Baker

Monday, July 22, 2013

In hoc signo vinces

"In hoc signo vinces" means "in this sign you will conquer." St. Paul says, "But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world" (Galatians 6: 14).
On July 19th the new cross, replacing the one which came down with Hurricane Sandy, was blessed and installed on the
top of the steeple of the Church. You will notice that the design of the new cross matches the design of the cross in many places inside the Church, like in the center of the altar, on the front of the pulpit and the cantor's lectern, and on the wall to the left and right of the sanctuary. You will also notice it above the outside entrance of the Cathedral. Here are some pictures of the preparation of the steeple, the blessing of the cross, the installation of the cross and the final product.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pastor's Corner, July 21, 2013

Dear Parishioners and Friends, 
We continue our reflections on the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the gift of counsel. Counsel renders us docile to the counsel of God regarding our actions in view of our path to holiness and perfection. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit which helps us to judge whether an action is a good to be done or an evil to be avoided. 
This gift assists our intellect and conscience to ask ourselves, “Will this particular act that I am contemplating lead me to holiness?” “Is it something good that I should do or an evil that I should avoid?” It is a gift that strengthens a good conscience, provides solutions in difficult situation and helps us give counsel to others so that we can help them become saints too. 
The Holy Spirit speaks to the heart through the gift of counsel and shows those who have it what to do. Christ gave his followers a gift like counsel when He told them, "When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pastor's Corner, July 14, 2013

Dear Parishioners and Friends, 
With the gift of fortitude (sometimes it is called courage) we are able, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to overcome difficulties and even endure trials and pains along the path of holiness with divine strength. The gift of fortitude brings to those who have it a dauntless spirit of resolution, a firmness of mind, and an indomitable will to persevere with a quiet faith in God’s providence that overcomes all obstacles. 
This gift works on us in two ways: it helps us resist evil and pushes us onward to persevere in difficulties. The martyrs are excellent examples of men and women of supernatural fortitude. They were faced with the very loss of their lives but they preferred martyrdom rather than betray their faith in Christ. It also brings courage to persist in the practice of virtue despite trials, illness, persecution or external failure. A Catholic who becomes fervent in God’s service will soon be condemned by the world, but the gift of fortitude will sustain him as he walks toward the Cross.  
The gift of fortitude enables us to live all the virtues to a heroic degree. It also aids us in suffering with patience and joy and to overcome any traces of lukewarmness in our faithfulness to God. 
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pastor's Corner, July 7, 2013

Dear Parishioners and Friends, 
The gift of knowledge enables us to perceive correctly the truths of faith. With the help of this gift of the Holy Spirit our intellects make correct judgments regarding earthly things and how they are related to eternal life and Christian perfection. It then helps us to keep created things in perspective and to see that they are useless and empty in and of themselves. They are only good for us insofar as they lead us to God and to heaven. 
Knowledge does not see created things as obstacles to God. Rather, our minds will see them as instruments for union with God. This gift will also help us see just how to use created reality in such a way as to help us become holy. 
Moreover, the gift of knowledge gives us the sensus fidei or the “sense of faith.” This is a kind of divine instinct about whether a particular teaching or devotion is or is not in accord with the true faith as revealed by God. 
Knowledge produces several effects in our souls. It enables us to see the state of our soul. It helps us be detached from material possessions. It grants us a sense of repentance when we have misused material things and turned them into obstacles in our path to holiness. 
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker

Friday, July 5, 2013

Lumen Fidei - "Light of Faith"

This morning Pope Francis published his first encyclical entitled Lumen Fidei ("Light of Faith"). I've been able to read the first part and I love it! I hope you can join me in reading the Pope's profound words on such a foundational aspect of our lives as Christians: