The first day of the year is also the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Our Mass schedule is the following:
Tuesday, December 31: 4:15 p.m.
Wednesday, January 1: 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m.
This holy day of obligation honors the most magnificent title and most important vocation of the Virgin from Nazareth - to be the Mother of God. The Greek word "theotokos" ("God bearer") has been traditionally used to profess what we believe about Mary AND that we believe that her son, Jesus, is truly God.
In 2012 Pope Benedict XVI published an Apostolic Letter entitled "Porta Fidei" or "Door of Faith," announcing the beginning of the Year of Faith. It is my hope and prayer that this blog will be a portal for others to receive the Catholic faith into their lives and homes so as to carry out the new evangelization.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Ecumenical soup kitchen
The Women's Alliance has for many years volunteered at the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen which is housed at the old Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on 2nd Street. This past Saturday, December 28, just a few days after the celebration of the birth of Christ who came among us as a poor baby born in a manger, the Women's Alliance sponsored a meal at the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen. The cheese and meat was sliced and then the assembly line put together hoagies which was served to over 200 people. Here are a few picture of the gang at work.
May we always keep in mind the words of Our Lord: "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Matthew 25: 40).
Pastor's Corner, December 29, 2013
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
We have just celebrated the birth of our Savior and we
sense the closeness of our God in a very special way in these days. This time
is an excellent moment to follow the words of Pope Francis who, in his recently
published Apostolic Exhortation entitled Evangelii
Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), invites all Christians to a renewed
“personal encounter with Jesus Christ” (3).
I think we will all find that as we draw closer to
Christ – as we make the choice to follow him more closely each day through a
committed life of prayer and faith – we will experience an increase in joy. The
Savior’s merciful and tender love is capable of restoring our joy. This is the
joy of the Gospel.
I also think we will find that as we experience our
lives being “invaded” by a great joy rooted in our faith in Christ, we will
radiate that joy to others. We must never give in to pessimism or defeatism. As
the Holy Father writes, “an evangelizer must never look like some who has just
come back from a funeral!” (10) No. We have the Good News which gives meaning
and purpose to our lives and helps us serve the one great Love of the universe.
How can we become discouraged? So many in our world seek God and we “should
appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty
and who invite others to a delicious banquet” (15).
Happy New Year!
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Merry and Blessed Christmas to all
I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. All the Masses here at the Cathedral were beautiful, especially the Midnight Mass celebrated by Bishop Barres. The various choirs sang like angels and all those who assisted with the liturgies gave selflessly of their time and talent. I have heard stories and met people who have come back to Church after spending some time away. We have so much more to do to reach out to those who are searching for Christ and His Church but it can all begin with a simple invitation to "come home." Remember, wise men adore Christ.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Pastor's Corner, December 22, 2013
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
With the coming of Christmas Day – yes, it is just a
few days away – we renew our faith in Christ who has become man for the sake of
our salvation.
Our faith in Jesus Christ is an act of trustworthiness
in Him. In Lumen Fidei Pope Francis
points out that we can trust in God because of “his own faithful presence
throughout history” (23). The moment of His coming as man is the culmination of
His promise to be Emmanuel (“God-with-us”).
God is true to His promise. That is why faith without
truth does not save. What we believe needs to be true. If not, Christmas
just remains a beautiful story and simply a projection of our desire for
happiness. However, precisely because faith is intrinsically linked to truth, "faith is instead able to offer a new light… for it sees further into the
distance and takes into account the hand of God, who remains faithful to his
covenant and his promises” (24).
Yes, it is true – GOD HAS BECOME MAN! Our faith is not
simply a projection of our own desire for salvation and happiness. Our faith is
a trust in God who is faithful to His promise and has come to dwell among us to
save us from sin and offer us heaven.
Merry Christmas!
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Pastor's Corner, December 15, 2013
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As we get closer to Christmas, we are probably all
thinking about who I can bring to Mass on Christmas. There are so many
fallen-away Catholics that simply need a loving invitation to come home.
Christmas is a good time to extend a welcome to our Church.
This is why faith in Christ outside the Church is not
true Christian faith. “Faith is not a private matter,” the Pope writes, “a
completely individualistic notion or a pesonal opinion” (22). “Faith is
necessarily ecclesial; it is professed from within the body of Christ as a
concrete communion of believers” (22). It opens the individual toward others.
Now is the time for us to extend an invitation to that
“wandering” Catholic who, like all of us, needs greater faith. Christmas could
be the beginning of their journey home.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker
Friday, December 13, 2013
Christmas Concert to be broadcasted
We are grateful to all the choirs and to Ms. Beverly McDevitt for the tremendous effort put into this wonderful event.
Now many people in the Lehigh Valley will be prepared for Christmas will the help of sacred music provided by our choirs.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Cancellations for Tuesday, December 10
Because of the wintry weather, the 1st Penance Service will not take place this evening, Tuesday, December 10. It will be postponed until tomorrow, Wednesday, December 11 at 7 p.m. This snow date was announced to the parents previously.
RCIA classes have also been cancelled this evening.
RCIA classes have also been cancelled this evening.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Pastor's Corner, December 8, 2013
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The Blessed Mother
reminds us of the importance of faith. She is the woman of great faith whose
unique cooperation in God’s plan of salvation brought about the birth of Our Savior.
She received this grace of salvation at the moment of her conception and
remained sinless her whole life. As Pope Francis’ encyclical on faith (Lumen Fidei) says, believers become “a
new creation” (19) and their life faith is seen as a “primordial and radical
gift which upholds our lives” (19). Mary was the most perfect of the new
creation and her whole life was sustained by her faith.
The Pope goes on
the say that those who have opened their hearts in faith are transformed by a
primordial love and then their lives “are enlarged and expanded” (21). When we
receive Christ in faith – the one who is Love – he then lives in us and our
lives take on “a whole new breath” (21).
Mary had such a
heart open by faith and expanded by love. She most perfectly lived the life of
Christ in her own life. May she help prepare our hearts to receive in faith the
Christ child whose birth we will soon celebrate.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Pastor's Corner, December 1, 2013
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Today is the First Sunday of Advent. This afternoon at 3 pm
the Diocesan Choir, the Vianney Voices school choir and various choirs of our
parish will mark the beginning of this season with a celebration of song in the
Church. I hope you can join us.
Our Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI once said: “From the very beginning, liturgy and music have been
quite closely related. Mere words do not suffice when man praises God.
Discourse with God goes beyond the boundaries of human speech. Hence by its
very nature the liturgy has everywhere called upon the help of music, of singing,
and of the voices of creation in the sounds of instruments. The praise of God,
after all, does not involve only man. To worship God means to join in that of
which all creatures speak” (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Liturgy and Church Music, VIII International Church Music Congress in
Rome, November 17, 1985).
May this season
of Advent be a special time of grace and conversion so as to prepare us to
welcome the Christ-child, including with our voices filled with song.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker
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