Parishioners and Friends,
April 29, the day the universal Church celebrates the feast of St. Catharine of
Siena, we will celebrate the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral
Church. In our church, this day is celebrated as a solemnity, the highest form
of liturgical celebration.
are blessed to be not only a parish but also a Cathedral, meaning that our
church has the privilege to serve the Diocese of Allentown as the “seat” of the
bishop and the Church from which he exercises his triple mission of governing,
teaching and sanctifying the entire diocese in the name of Christ and as the
chief shepherd of the local Church.
The Directory
for the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops speaks of the importance of the
Cathedral Church. It says, “It is here that diocesan life finds its fullest
expression and it is here that the most sublime and sacred act of the Bishop’s munus sanctificandi [sanctifying
function] is accomplished” (155).
Cathedral is considered the “mother” church of all the other churches in the
diocese. Thus, the Cathedral is a reminder to everyone of the “catholicity” of
the Church of Christ insofar as it serves as a sign of the union that all
priests, religious, and laity have with the bishop of the Diocese.