Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Laudato Si’ is an
urgent appeal from our Holy Father. In the introduction Pope Francis says that
he desires a “new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet”
(14) and that he wishes to draw from the best scientific research and then
consider certain moral principles which can give us a coherent approach to be
good stewards of creation.
In the first chapter of the encyclical the Pope explains
what is happening to our common home. Note that this section is simply a
summary of what can be observed and also what some say come from scientific
research. It is not an exhaustive exposition of the situation nor is this
section meant to settle the questions involved. Some people of good will may in
fact disagree with the Pope about his description. He is not claiming to be an
expert or to be presenting doctrinal principles which are infallible. I believe
the Pope simply wants to engage all mankind to reflect on his summary of the situation
and begin to see some of the problems we need to face.
At the heart of the problem is what Pope Francis calls
“rapidification.” He observes that “the speed with which human activity has
developed contrasts with the naturally slow pace of biological evolution” (18).
Herein lies a problem and a challenge. We have developed so quickly
technologically yet creation has not kept pace. In some sense we have gotten
“ahead” of creation and often used and abused creation. Now, the consequences
of our rapid advance and behavior have begun to harm us.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker