Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pastor's Corner, March 15, 2015

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This coming week we will celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Today we consider the 7th and final joy and sorrow of St. Joseph.
St. Luke tells us that when Jesus was 12 years old the Holy Family traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover. When they left the Holy City, “the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem” (Luke 2: 43). This is one of the worst nightmares of any parent. Joseph and Mary searched 3 days, first among their relatives and then they returned to Jerusalem. The sense of loss must have been particularly acute for Joseph.
But then St. Luke tells us, “After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers” (Luke 2: 46). What joy for both Mary and Joseph! They had found their son.
Prayer: St. Joseph, by the bitter SORROW with which the loss of the Child Jesus crushed thy heart, and by the holy JOY which inundated thy soul in recovering thy Treasure on entering the Temple, we supplicate thee not to permit us to lose our Savior Jesus by sin. Yet, should this misfortune befall us, grant that we may share thy eagerness in seeking Him, and obtain for us the grace to find Him again, ready to show us His great mercy, especially at the hour of death; so that we may pass from this life to enjoy His presence in heaven, there to sing with thee His divine mercies forever.
In Christ,
Msgr. Baker

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